How To Create a Log File

Debug Log File

Our support might require you to send the log file of WP Mailster.
Per default, Mailster only logs basic information. For troubleshooting needs we require much more data.

This is what we call we Debug log file.

Here is how you can create one:

  • go to WP Mailster > “Settings” > increase “Logging Level” to “Max. Logging (Debug)”

  • do the steps to reproduce the problem/error you want us to look at (e.g. send a test message that will reproduce the problem to your mailing list address)
  • only after you have reproduced the error (that might mean to wait 5 – 10 minutes until a mailing list message was retrieved and forwarded) put the “Logging Level” setting back to the former value
  • open the file space of your WordPress installation (e.g. via FTP) and navigate to:
  • send us the file “wpmst.log.php” (as a .zip archive if possible)

Log File Size

Please note that the “Maximum (Debug)” logging level produces a lot of information, therefore the log file gets big fairly quickly. Thus it is recommended to immediately switch it back to the “Normal” logging mode when you have followed the steps above.

When the troubleshooting process is completed you can simply delete the log file.


Frontend Email Archive

If you want make the mailing list emails available on the website you can setup a frontend email archive.

Frontend email archives are only available in WP Mailster Society & Enterprise.

Below you find an overview of which shortcode does what. For details and the available options refer to our shortcode documentation.

Shortcode [mst_mailing_lists]

This shortcode displays all mailing lists while adhering to the lists’  access settings.

From this overview, the user can view each list’s emails. Furthermore the subscription settings can be changed.

 Shortcode [mst_emails]

This shortcode displays all past emails in a chronological way.

Note that you can choose to only display the emails of a certain mailing lists with the shortcode parameters.

Mail Provider Settings

This is a list of mail provider settings that you might find useful when you create your mailing list.


Mail Provider Settings
HosterHost / ServerLogin / UserPortProtocolSecurityAuthenticationNotes
1&1 – EN
Sendersmtp.1and1.comlogin@domain.tld25 or 587SMTPNone / SSLYesSMTP only for non-1&1 web servers, WordPress mailer works
1&1 – DE
Inboximap.1und1.delogin@domain.tld993 IMAP SSLNo
Sendersmtp.1und1.delogin@domain.tld25 or 587 SMTPNone / SSLYesSMTP only for non-1&1 web servers, WordPress mailer works
Inboxpop3.domain.tldlogin110POP3NoneNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
Amazon SES
InboxAmazon SES only allows to so send, not to receive emails user587SMTPTLSYesThe SMTP endpoint depends on your region. The example here is, if you’re in the eu-west-1 AWS Region.
More information here.
InboxboxNNN.bluehost.comlogin+domain.tld995POP3SSLNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
Inboxmail.domain.tldweb###p#143IMAPTLSNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
Digital Valley
Inboxmail.domain.tldlogin@domain.tld110POP3NoneNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
Inboxmx.freenet.delogin@domain.tld143IMAPTLSNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
GMail might also work for login.

Allow access for “less secure apps”. might also work for login special parameter /novalidate-cert




Inboxmail.your-server.delogin@domain.tld143IMAPSSLNoHost is actually “”, not to be replaced with your domain!
Sendermail.your-server.delogin@domain.tld587SMTPTLSYesHost is actually “”, not to be replaced with your domain!
Host Europe
Inboxmail.domain.tldlogin@domain.tld143IMAPNoneNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
Inboxmail.domain.tldlogin@domain.tld143IMAPTLSNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
login@domain.tld993IMAPSSLNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
Office365 – please read our blog post
Sendersmtp.office365.comlogin@domain.tld587SMTPTLSYes special parameter /novalidate-cert
Sendersmtp.powweb.comlogin@domain.tld587SMTPNoneNoWordPress mailer works
Inboxpop.domain.tldlogin@domain.tld110POP3NoneNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
Inboxmail.domain.tldlogin@domain.tld143IMAPNoneNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
Inboxmail.domain.tldlogin@domain.tld143IMAPNoneNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
InboxSendgrid only allows to send, not to receive emails
Sendersmtp.sendgrid.netapikey465SMTPSSLYesThe user is actually the word apikey.
The password is the long API key.
Inboximap.strato.delogin@domain.tld993IMAPSSLNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
Inboxpop3.web.delogin995POP3SSLNo15min min. poll time
Use special parameter /novalidate-cert
Inbox???.domain.tldlogin143IMAPTLSNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
Inboxmail.domain.tldlogin@domain.tld110POP3NoneNoUse special parameter /novalidate-cert
SenderSender: Use WordPress Mailer
Yahoo POP in mailbox settings first


Using your own mailing server – Certificate Failure Problem

You might get an error message like this when checking the connection:
Certificate failure for [server] Server name does not match certificate
or: “Certificate failure for [server] unable to get local issuer certificate“.
If this is the case read the following: if you use your own mailing server (with a self-signed certificate) you might have to deactivate the automated certificate check to get a connection to your inbox. Do this by adding the following line in the special parameter box: /novalidate-cert

Help us to expand this list!

If you use a public mailing list provider that is not in the above list: mail us your settings (of course without your password 😉 to and help other WP Mailster users to get started more quickly.


Note: We do not recommend a certain mail provider and do not state that the usage of one of the given providers is in accordance with their respective terms & conditions. We do not endorse or accept any violation of the providers’ service conditions. It is your own responsibility to ensure your usage complies to the terms & conditions of your email service provider. Make sure you read and understand the terms & conditions and, if necessary, use another suitable mail provider.


Mailing List Settings

This is a reference for all mailing list settings.

The settings are organized in the following tabs:


General settings

  • Mailing list name: Choose a name for your mailing list
  • Mailing list email: Enter the email the mailing list members will send their mails to
  • Mailing admin email: The administrator will get notifies when something goes wrong, must not be the list’s email and must be a valid email address
  • Active: Make sure the list is active (this enables mail retrieving and forwarding)
  • Allow to access emails in frontend: You can publish the archive of emails on your site or hide them

Mailbox settings

WP Mailster uses a normal email mailbox that can be accessed with IMAP or POP3.
You can either choose one of the readily available settings or, what we recommend in most cases, use your own email provider (e.g. of the domain hosting you are using).

Adding a new Mailbox Server

Choose “New Server” in the Server dropdown menu.

You will see input fields to enter the server login information.

The settings in this section are crucial for a working mailing list. Ask your mail provider (of the mailing list email you provided in the last section) for the needed details or have a look at the settings of popular providers.

  • User/Login: The login user, normally the email address or the part of the email address before the @ letter
  • Password: The user’s password
  • Host/Server: The address of the mail-server
  • Port: The port number of the mail server
  • Protocol: The protocol to use at this server/port
  • Secure setting: You can enable a secured connection when the server supports this feature
  • Use secure authentication: Some servers require a secure authentication
  • Special parameters: Not always needed. A common “special” parameter is /novalidate-cert which disables the verification of the email server’s certificate. This is needed for self-signed certificates.

You can click on ‘Test connection‘ to make sure your settings are correct.

Please use a dedicated mailbox for WP Mailster. Any emails in it will be treated as mailing list emails and therefore send out to the recipients. Thus, do not use your personal email accounts, create/use a different email account.

Sender settings

You have two choices here: the easy way is to use your normal mailbox sender (the one WordPress uses).
The other way (which is recommended) is only a little more difficult: using an SMTP server.

You can either choose one of the readily available settings or, what we recommend in most cases, use your own email provider (e.g. of the domain hosting you are using).

Adding a new SMTP Server

First, choose “New Server” in the Server dropdown menu.

  • User/Login: The login user, normally the email address or the part of the email address before the @ letter
  • Password: The user’s password
  • Host/Server: The address of the mail server
  • Port: The port number of the mail server
  • Secure setting: You can enable a secured connection when the server supports this feature
  • Use secure authentication: Some servers support a secure authentication

You can click on ‘Test connection‘ to make sure your settings are correct.

Mail content

  • Subject Prefix Text: Text to insert before the subject
  • Clean up subject: If active the subject of replies will be normalized so that no “Re: Re:” chains occur
  • Convert email format to: The emails sent to the mailing list can be converted to a unified format
  • Text version in HTML emails: When the format of the emails is HTML it is a good idea to include a text format version
  • Custom header: Text to insert before the body: one field for HTML emails and one for text emails. You can use text variables here (see below).
  • Custom footer: Text to insert after the body: one field for HTML emails and one for text emails. You can use text variables here (see below).
  • Disable “powered by WP Mailster” mail footer: The footer can be disabled in the pro-editions

You can add custom elements to the mails posted to the mailing list.
Besides of normal text you can use text variables to insert texts dynamical. These are the available variables:

  • {email} Sender’s email
  • {name} Sender’s name
  • {description} Senders’ description (if found in WP Mailster’s user data)
  • {date} Email send date/time
  • {orig_to} Original TO recipients
  • {orig_cc} Original CC recipients
  • {list} List’s name
  • {post_email} List’s email address
  • {admin_email} List administrator’s email address
  • {site} WordPress site name
  • {unsubscribe} Link to the unsubscribe page
  • {recip_email} Recipient’s email (not working with BCC/CC addressing*)
  • {recip_name} Recipient’s name (not working with BCC/CC addressing*)
* You can only use the recipient specific text variables when you use the “No BCC/CC addressing, send one mail per recipient” addressing method.
Only then the personalization can be done.

The variables can be used in the subject, the custom headers and custom footers.
If you want to create nice unsubscribe links use the {unsubscribe} variable as the link location:

Note that some text editors automatically insert the site’s location (URL) in front of non-external links. Thus the {unsubscribe} link might be saved as{unsubscribe}. As this leads to undesirable results we recommend to deactivate the respective text editor setting.

List behaviour

The settings in this tab largely determine how the list works and how it can be used.

  • Mail copy to sender: Copy of the sent mail to the sender On/Off
  • Email size limit: You can specify the maximum email size (in kByte) for the mailing list emails. If the email size is bigger the emails are not forwarded to the recipients. Zero means that there is no limit.
  • Email content filtering: If activated emails are not forwarded that contain certain disallowed keywords. This words are configured in WP Mailster’s configuration. (pro-editions only)
  • Allowed to send/post: Decide whether your mailing list should be public (also non-subscribers can post) or that you want to restrict the valid senders (based on their email addresses). Emails of unauthorized senders are blocked and not forwarded.


Use the moderation functionality (Society & Enterprise edition only) to guard your lists against inappropriate content such as spam, off-topic discussions or unwanted solicitations.
The list administrator gets informed about a new message to be moderated. Approval or rejections can either be done via links in the emails sent to the moderator or in the WP Mailster email archive in the WP admin area.

  • Moderation Mode: Switch the moderation on/off. You can either moderate all messages or only of a specific user group.
  • Auto-Approve (Whitelist) Maybe you trust some senders more than others: with the auto-approval you can avoid that every message needs to approved.
  • Notifications You can decide to keep the sender of the moderated email informed about the process by turning on notifications about the moderation and the moderator’s decision (approval/rejection).

Sending behaviour

  • Recipient addressing: In general it is recommended to use the BCC recipient addressing in order to send mails to large recipient groups efficiently.
    If activated one “physical” mail is used to send it to as much recipients as defined in BCC recipients per mail. Otherwise each recipient gets a “physical” mail.
    It is common that you have to use SMTP sending and not the PHP mail function in order to use BCC addressing. If your WordPress system does not use SMTP for outgoing mails you probably need to configure WP Mailster to use a SMTP server for sending.
    Some mail providers and ISPs have restrictions regarding the number of BCC recipients and some do not allow mails that have no recipients in the TO-address-field.
  • From email address: Choose whether the mailing list’s email address or the sender’s email address is used as the from address of the sent emails.
    Note 1: some mail servers do not accept an overwrite of the from address
    Note 2: due to the DMARC problematic, this setting maybe adjusted for some emails on the fly
  • From name: Same option as From email address, only applies to the name of the sender
  • Reply-To header: Determine the target address for replies to the mailing list emails. Note: it is a good idea to try out the different options to see which settings fits your purposes best.
  • Bounces destination: Bounced emails are automatic replies to mailing list emails such as Out-of-Office emails and Delivery-Status-Notificatons (e.g. Notification regarding a failed delivery).
    Bounced emails are in general not intended to go to the mailing list subscribers. Therefore WP Mailster drops them when they return to the mailbox. This consumes, especially on larger lists, quite some computational efforts. In order to avoid this you can provide an email address where the bounces should go. Note: some email servers allow to overwrite this setting, some don’t.
  • Send limit: Maximum number of emails to send per hour. 0 and empty field means unthrottled/unlimited sending. (pro-editions only)
  • Max. send attempts: When errors occur during the send process it is later retried to send the mail
  • Send reports: For verification/debugging the email sending process can be recorded. The send reports, when existing for an email, can be viewed in the email archive in the entry of the respective email:


  • Allow subscription: Subscribing through subscriber plugin/module on/off. When set to No/off users can only be added to the mailing list in the backend.
  • Public subscription: Allow subscribing when user is not logged-in on/off. When set to No/off only registered, logged-in users are able to subscribe to the mailing list.
  • Use Double Opt-In subscribe: The Double Opt-In method requires the subscriber to confirm his subscription (by clicking a link in an email) before the subscription process is complete. (pro-editions only)
  • Send welcome message on subscribe: When a person subscribes to a mailing list an automated welcome message can be sent out.
  • Send welcome message when added in backend: When an admin adds a person to a mailing list in the backend an automated welcome message can be sent out.
  • Allow unsubscription: Unsubscribing through subscriber plugin/module on/off. When set to No/off users can only be removed from the mailing list in the backend.
  • Use Double Opt-In unsubscribe: The Double Opt-In method requires the subscriber to confirm his unsubscription (by clicking a link in an email) before the unsubscription process is complete. (pro-editions only)
  • Send goodbye message on subscribe: When a person unsubscribes from a mailing list an automated goodbye message can be sent out.
  • Send goodbye message when removed in backend: When an admin removes a person from a mailing list an automated goodbye message can be sent out.
  • Allow digest: Subscribers are allowed to choose whether they want to receive the mailing messages in (daily/weekly/monthly) digests. (Society and Enterprise editions only)


  • Disable email archiving: You can disable the archiving of the mailing list emails (pro-editions only)
  • Archive Retention: Per default, emails are kept indefinitely in the archive. You can also choose to auto-delete the emails (incl. attachment files) after a defined amount of days.(pro-editions only)


  • Notify senders of not forwarded emails: If an email is not forwarded (e.g. because the email address is not allowed to send or the email is filtered because of its content) the sender can be notified.
  • Custom notifications (pro-editions only): You can create custom email notifications for the following events:
    • New email/post
    • Sender blocked
    • Bounced email
    • Filtered email
    • User subscribed
    • User unsubscribed
    • Send error

    One of the following recipient (groups) can be notified:

    • WordPress user – one certain user
    • List administrator – the mailing list’s administrator
    • User group – one WP Mailster user group


The tools section offers some specific functionality that you probably will not need every day. It is recommended to only use it when you know exactly what it does or if the support tells you to do so.

Cron Job Setup

Why do I need a cron job?

It is important to understand that WP Mailster is a part of WordPress which is a PHP based web application. That means: it can not act/run without being triggered and it can not run forever when triggered. This is a technical limitation coming from PHP, not from WP Mailster or WordPress.

Triggering means that somebody accesses the site. During the page load WP Mailster is handling the jobs to do (mail retrieving and sending). Thus mails can only be send/retrieved when somebody is browsing your site, otherwise the delivery is delayed or never done.

As your site might not be browsed every few minutes 24×7 we recommend you to use a cron job that opens the site periodically.

There are two main options available for dealing with your cron jobs:

The differences between the two are explained in the following.

Managed Cron Jobs – Mailster Cron Job Service

This is the easiest way to setup a cron job – we setup a cron job for you.
When you are a paying subscriber of WP Mailster, then you already have one cron job included that we will setup for your site.

You can do this by logging into your account at our site. There you will find a section where you can manage your cron jobs. Here you can also purchase additional cron jobs or extend the yearly subscription period.

The cron job services provides this features:

  • Cron Job service for 1 year
  • Triggers the WP Mailster installation on your WordPress site
  • Site is triggered at least
    • every 15 minutes (Basic Cron Job Service) or
    • every 5 minutes (Power Cron Job Service)
    • every single minute (Sprint Cron Job Service)
  • Make WP Mailster deliver emails quick and reliable on low-traffic sites
  • Suitable for all WP Mailster product versions (working with both lazy and dedicated cron job mode)

We offer the Mailster Cron Job Service as a managed service on subscription basis.
It can be booked independently although the following subscriptions are included when you purchase our products.

Included cron job service:

  • WP Mailster (Free): None
  • WP Mailster Club: Basic Cron Job Service (1 Site, 1 Year)
  • WP Mailster Society: Power Cron Job Service (1 Site, 1 Year) – dedicated!
  • WP Mailster Enterprise: Sprint Cron Job Service (1 Site, 1 Year) – dedicated!

The cron job service can work with all of WP Mailster’s product versions. It uses either the “lazy cron job” or the “dedicated cron job” mode that are described below.

If you run more than one WP Mailster installation you can purchase multiple cron job subscriptions as needed.

Own Cron Jobs – Set up a cron job on your end

In order to setup a cron job yourself, your hoster either needs to offer cron jobs as part of their hosting package, or you need need to have access to a URL-based cron job service like or

There are two types of cron jobs:

  • Lazy Cron JobThis type of cron jobs work by simply opening your WordPress site periodically.
    During the site loads WP Mailster then does its activities (retrieving and sending emails). The downside of the approach is, that loading your site utilizes server resources as the web server renders a page that is never looked at. And, if you don’t follow our instructions below, it may cause delays for your users.
  • Dedicated Cron Job (WP Mailster Scoiety & WP Mailster Enterprise only)
    This type of cron jobs has the advantage it does not cause page load delays at all.Furthermore, no unnecessary server resources are used. The different tasks types of the dedicated cron job are excellent to run WP Mailster in an optimized manner and ensure ultra-quick delivery.

If you can (based on your WP Mailster product edition), then you want to use the dedicated cron job mode given the above advantages.

Lazy Cron Jobs

This type of cron jobs work by simply opening your WordPress site periodically. So it basically means a program browses an URL of your site.
The (sub-)URL of the cron job is not important, as WP Mailster is working during the pageload and the content of the loaded page itself is not interesting.

Don’t slow down your visitors!

You want to point a lazy cron job always to the admin login screen (wp-login.php) to avoid too much traffic / false page hit statistics.

If you have setup your cron job to point to the login screen, then you can change the Trigger Source in WP Mailster’s setting to “Backend only”.

This avoids that your regular site visitors will have to wait longer for a page to load because WP Mailster is sending an email in the background …

So, in short: setup the cron job to use the URL like (replace with your address and make sure to use HTTPS if applicable).

Please read our separate section on where to enter the cron URL.

If you have use a cron job targeted at your admin/login screen you can also avoid page load delays for your site vistors. This can be done by setting the system plugin “Mailster Email Forwarder” which is responsible for retrieving/sending emails to only execute by page accesses in the backend. The setting can be changed here:

  • Navigate in WordPress’s admin area to WP Mailster’s settings
  • Search for the setting “Trigger Source“:
  • Change the setting to “Backend activity only“:

Dedicated Cron Jobs

This type of cron jobs have the advantage that they do not cause page load delays for site users at all.

Furthermore, no unnecessary server resources are used. We strongly recommend using them.

Dedicated cron jobs are only available in WP Mailster Society & Enterprise.

To use it you will have to change the “Trigger Source” for Mailster accordingly. The setting can be changed here:

  • Navigate in WordPress’s admin area to WP Mailster’s settings
  • Search for the setting “Trigger Source“:
  • Change the setting to “Dedicated cron jobs only“:

You may also want to increase the “Max. execution time” setting, recommended is half of your PHP max. execution time.

Dedicated cron jobs work with special URLs.
You most probably will only need this one URL:

The meaning of the parameters:

  • wpmst_cronjob=execute: the general call to execute of Mailster’s dedicated cron job mode
  • task=all: call the “all” cron job tasks, more on the different tasks below
  • key=secret: this key has to be the same as the cron job key you provided in WP Mailster’s settings:
  • debug=true: prints status information on the screen – an optional, but recommended paramater
Use only lower- and/or upper-case alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z) in your cron job key. Other characters may need to be manually URL-encoded. This is error prone and can cause the WP Mailster actions to never start.

Working with the all task is the recommended dedicated cron job setting and suitable for most setups.

However, there are more tasks available for dedicated cron jobs:

  • all: sends and retrieves emails for all mailing lists. Recommended in most cases, but not recommended for big mailing lists or high traffic lists.
  • fetchall: retrieves emails of the mailboxes of all active mailing lists
  • fetch: retrieves the emails of the mailbox of one mailing list the emails in the mailbox.
    You have to provide the mailing list to use with the “id” parameter (e.g. &id=1)
  • send: sends out mails in the send queue

While the task all is suitable for most cases, we recommend to use multiple cron jobs (e.g. one with the task fetchall and one with the send task) for big mailing lists (> 100 recipients) or high traffic lists.

Further examples:
Retrieve and send in one run, cron job key was set to “secret”:

Retrieve emails for all active mailing lists:

Retrieve emails for mailing list with ID 3:

Work on emails in send queue:

Debug mode:
To check whether the cron job is successfully executed you can copy the cron job URL into the browser and append this: &debug=true.
Example (retrieves emails from the the mailing list with ID 1, the debug mode is active):

You should get an output like the following:
Finishing up
Let’s get back to setting our cron job.

  • Take the recommended task=all-URL or one of the variants (if you have understood what they do)
  • Make sure you have changed the address to point to your WordPress site, but have left the query parameters there
  • Make sure to replace the cron job key URL parameter with the key you have setup in WP Mailster’s settings


What to do with your cron job URL / Setting up the actual cron job

As already mentioned: there are different ways to setup a cron job. This depends entirely on the options available to you.

We will introduce you to the following methods:

  • cPanel – create a cron job via your webhoster
  • Root Server – create a cron job from the terminal
  • Web Provider – use a web cron job provider
cPanel Cron Job

This method applies only if your webhoster offers you a graphical administration interface (like cPanel) with cron job functionality. Most interfaces look similar to the following screenshot:

You specify the frequency of the cron job executing by selecting the appropiate options. We recommend to create a cron job that is run every 5 minutes.

Do this by selecting the every year/month/day/week day/hour option and by selecting multiple minutes in a 5 minute interval (e.g. 0/5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55).

Many hoster allow to only run local PHP scripts. Thus you create a PHP file named cron_job_mailster.php with the following content (here an example with a dedicated cron job URL):

$htmlData = file_get_contents('', 'r');
echo $htmlData;

You need to pay attention what you insert as the command to run.

In the example given, the first part, /usr/local/bin/php on our server, is the path to the PHP executable. This is a little different for each webhosting environment – but in most cases well documented in the hoster’s setup guide.

On some servers it is enough to write php or php5 without an exact path.

The second part, the parameter -f, tells PHP to parse and run a file. It is optional and may be omitted.

The last part is the path to the file, relativ from the root directory (that you can access). A good way to figure out this path is to login via a FTP client and navigate to the root. From this root the whole path to the cron_job_mailster.php file has to be used for the cron job command.

Most cPanel offer a way to review the cron job result, either by logs or by emails. You should use this at first to see whether you get the desired output (as previously when you accessed the cron job URL with the &debug=true parameter with your browser).

Terminal Cron Job

This method applies only if you have command-line access to your (Linux) server and the suitable user rights.

As the first step create a file named cron_job_mailster.php, see the section above on what to put into the file.

Edit /etc/crontab with a text editor and add the following line: * * * * * php /path/to/your/cron_job_mailster.php
This is the scheme of the crontab file:

Minutes [0-59]  
|   Hours [0-23]  
|   |   Days [1-31]  
|   |   |   Months [1-12]  
|   |   |   |   Days of the Week [Numeric, 0-6]  
|   |   |   |   |  
*   *   *   *   * php /path/to/your/cron_job_mailster.php

The * means “every”. So our line makes the cron job run every minute (in every hour, day, month, year).

As this might generate too much unnecessarily server load we change it to “every 5 minutes”: */5 * * * * php /path/to/your/cron_job_mailster.php

For small, low traffic lists (e.g. announcement mailing lists) you might find an “every hour” setting more suitable: 0 * * * * php /path/to/your/cron_job_mailster.php

Basically every interval is possible. Many more examples on the crontab’s syntax can found on the web, e.g. on Wikipedia (see

An alterantive to use the PHP executable to trigger the site is using other applications that act like a web browser. This has the advantage that you don’t have to work with PHP scripting file.

Here is an option of a cron job that is executed every 5 minutes using the command-line tool wget:

*/5 * * * * wget -O – -q "" >/dev/null 2>&1

That’s the best option in order to not download/save anything while executing wget – otherwise you would save the returned HTML on each cron job execution

Note that you have more options in terms of command-line programs to use (e.g. lynx or curl). You have to see what is available and working on your host.

Web Provider Cron Job

There are many web cron job providers out there. For example and

They all enable you to setup a URL-based cron job relatively easily.

Here an example based on Easycron’s user interface:

Beware the Caching
Some webhosters apply caching. That means your site is not always freshly generated when browsed. In that cases, the cronjob may not work or only work sometimes.
We recommend to speak with your hoster to either deactivate the caching for the specific cron URL, or, introduce a random/changing URL element to the cron URL. This requires depending on the cron type some technical skills.

You need to enter the URL and define the frequency (here every 5 minutes).

Quick Start / First Setup

Quickstart Tutorial – Setup a mailing list

This tutorial will help you to set-up a mailing list.

This includes

  • creating a mailing list that can retrieve/send messages,
  • adding recipient to the mailing list and
  • sending a test message to the mailing list.

Let’s do this!


If you don’t have installed WP Mailster yet, have a look at the installation tutorial for the system requirements and the quickest way to install WP Mailster.

Open WP Mailster and get started

  • Open WP Mailster (Start Center)
  • Choose ‘Add mailing list‘ from the tasks list

General settings

In this section you will provide some basic data of your new mailing list.

  • Mailing list name: Choose a name for your mailing list
  • Mailing list email: Enter the email the mailing list members will send their mails to
  • Mailing admin email: The administrator will get notifies when something goes wrong, must not be the list’s email and must be a valid email address
  • Active: Make sure the list is active (this enables mail retrieving and forwarding)
  • Allow to access emails in frontend: You can publish the archive of emails on your site or hide them

After that click on the next tab (Mailbox settings).

Mailbox settings

WP Mailster uses a normal email mailbox that can be accessed with IMAP or POP3.
You can either choose one of the readily available settings or, what we recommend in most cases, use your own email provider (e.g. of the domain hosting you are using).

Adding a new Mailbox Server

Choose “New Server” in the Server dropdown menu.

You will see input fields to enter the server login information.

The settings in this section are crucial for a working mailing list. Ask your mail provider (of the mailing list email you provided in the last section) for the needed details or have a look at the settings of popular providers.

  • User/Login: The login user, normally the email address or the part of the email address before the @ letter
  • Password: The user’s password
  • Host/Server: The address of the mail-server
  • Port: The port number of the mail server
  • Protocol: The protocol to use at this server/port
  • Secure setting: You can enable a secured connection when the server supports this feature
  • Use secure authentication: Some servers require a secure authentication
  • Special parameters: Not always needed, read corresponding tip in WP Mailster to learn more

Click on ‘Test connection‘ to make sure your settings are correct.

Please use a dedicated mailbox for WP Mailster. Any emails in it will be treated as mailing list emails and therefore send out to the recipients. Thus, do not use your personal email accounts, create/use a different email account.

After that click on the next tab (Sender settings).

Sender settings

You have two choices here: the easy way is to use your normal mailbox sender (the one WordPress uses).
The other way (which is recommended) is only a little more difficult: using an SMTP server.

You can either choose one of the readily available settings or, what we recommend in most cases, use your own email provider (e.g. of the domain hosting you are using).

Adding a new SMTP Server

First, choose “New Server” in the Server dropdown menu.

  • User/Login: The login user, normally the email address or the part of the email address before the @ letter
  • Password: The user’s password
  • Host/Server: The address of the mail server
  • Port: The port number of the mail server
  • Secure setting: You can enable a secured connection when the server supports this feature
  • Use secure authentication: Some servers support a secure authentication

Click on ‘Test connection‘ to make sure your settings are correct.

Further settings

At this point you have the basic setup for a working mailing list.

Of course, there are further tabs with settings helping you to customize and finetune your mailing list. Those settings are covered seperately and can found (under the respective settings title) in the tutorial section.

Save the mailing list

After that click on Add mailing list to save your settings.

If you did all settings you will get the message that your new mailing list was saved and will be back at list where you can manage all your mailing lists. Now we are ready to add recipients to our mailing list.

Adding recipients

It is nice to have a mailing list. It is even nicer to actually have some people that want receive the list’s mails. Now let’s add some of those folks to our recipients…

  • Go to the ‘Mailing Lists’ menu
  • Click on ‘Manage recipients’

The tab ‘All recipients’ gives an overview of all recipient names and email addresses – well, not too much until now.

  • Click on the ‘List members’ tab and then ‘Edit List Users’ tut_012_add_user_hover
  • Choose all users you want to add on the left side
  • Click on the single arrow pointing to the right
  • Click on ‘Save Changes’ to add the selected users to the mailing list

You can add every WordPress user as a recipient. Don’t worry if not all recipients belong to your WordPress users – you can store them under the user section and add them later.

A feature that you might find useful if you want to manage several mailing lists are user groups that you can add to the recipients.
Example: you have a group ‘Designers’ that is enrolled in the mailing lists ‘Support’ and ‘Development’. Whenever the designer department has a new co-worker or intern their email addresses have only to be added in the group ‘Designers’ not in every mailing list.

Send a mail

All set!
Now go ahead and send a greeting email to your mailing list – all recipients should receive it 🙂
In our case we would send an email to

You can send it any way you like – use your favorite email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, GMail, …).

What next?

Now it is time for testing the list and, if needed, to adapt the other mailing list settings.

System Requirements

System Requirements for Installing WP Mailster

Mailster has some requirements to work properly on your WordPress installation, please take a minute and check them.

Mailster (Free, Club, Society, Enterprise)
WordPressVersion 4.3+
PHPVersion 5.5 / 5.6 / 7.x / 8.x
PHP IMAP extension installed & enabled

If you are not sure whether your server fulfils the requirements make sure to find out before purchasing as we do not issue refunds when your server does not meet the system requirements.

A good way to check if your server meets the requirements is to install the free edition of Mailster – when it is working the other product editions will work, too.


This chapter will introduce you to the way WP Mailster works and what you can do with it.

What is WP Mailster?

Mailster is a mailing list plugin for WordPress. It enables you to offer automated electronic mailing lists.

You may be familiar with similar software/services such as GNU Mailman, Listserv, Yahoo! Groups and Google Groups.

You can organize a group of persons using their email addresses and build either an announcement or discussion list setup. The two basic variants can be described as follows:

  • Discussion List – “Newsgroup”
    You can think of this mailing list variant as communication flowing both ways. In most cases everybody of the mailing list subscribers is allowed to send messages to the other mailing list members. The replies to the messages then is again fowarded to all subscribers. This enables real discussion and information exchange.
  • Announcement List – “Newsletter”
    You can think of this mailing list variant as the method where the communication flows only in one way, this is typically called newsletter. Only one or few senders are allowed to send messages to the members (subscribers) of the mailing list. In case a subscribers replies to the newsletter message the message is not forwarded to the rest of the mailing list.

All mailing list variants have in common that one central email address is used to send a message to all list subscribers. So a sender only has to remember one email address to create a message that is then forwarded to all subscribers. You can setup both of the mailing list types with WP Mailster and also fine tune the behavior.

How does it work?

First of all you need to setup a mailing list. For that you choose/create one email address, no matter if it is located at your own mailing server or at a free email service. The only prerequisite: it is possible to access the mails through one of the standard protocols POP or IMAP. Also, this email address can and should only be used for the mailing list communication, so you should not re-purpose your personal email address.

WP Mailster is ideal when you want your users registered in WordPress to be part of a group and communicate by email without having to log into the site or elsewhere. The mailing list administrator can easily select all recipients for the mailing list in WordPress’s admin area. Don’t worry: of course also users can be subscribed or self-subscribe that are not registered WordPress users.
When the mailing list is setup and the subscribers are in place, everything is ready so that WP Mailster can process emails. From now on WP Mailster will periodically check your email address for new messages.

The email checks and the sending are only done as long as there is adequate visitor activity on your site.

Why is that?
WP Mailster is a part of WordPress which is a PHP based web application. That means: it can not act/run without being triggered and it can not run forever when triggered.

This is a technical limitation coming from PHP, not from WP Mailster or WordPress. Triggering means that somebody accesses the site. During the page load WP Mailster is handling the jobs to do (mail retrieving/sending). Thus mails can only be send/retrieved when somebody is browsing your site, otherwise the delivery is delayed or never done.
As your site might not be browsed every few minutes 24×7 we recommend you to use a cronjob that opens the site periodically (e.g. by a command-line tool like wget). If this is a problem in your server environment you can also have us host your cronjob. Depending on your product edition this is already included in the yearly subscription.

Now back to the email conversation.
WP Mailster will check the mailing list’s inbox. If there is a new message this message will be forwarded to all list recipients and stored for reference in your WordPress database.

The nice thing
All your list participants have to do is use the one mailing address to reach everybody – no more manual maintenance of the recipients in their clients – the admin takes care. You can also offer the possibility for users to self-subscribe and -unsubscribe.

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