WP Mailster v1.8.3

  • [Improvement] For address mode = TO (single recipient per email), pre-fill the email address in unsubscribe links
  • [Improvement] Stop using $_SESSION to avoid problems with WP health check etc.
  • [Improvement] Introduce various filters for altering the subscribe/unsubscribe endpoints headers, text, and buttons
  • [Improvement] Introduce filter wpmailster_email_processing_attachment_default_filename to override default attachment filename (mst_no_filename) if needed
  • [Bug Fix] Subscribe and unsubscribe dialogs can now be translated
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed unsubscribe problem: when for one email address, there is both a WordPress and a WP Mailster user, both get unsubscribed
  • [Bug Fix] License key can be saved in WP Mailster settings if ad-hoc check/validation fails
  • [Bug Fix] Change license backend callbacks to be executed server side (to avoid issues with CSP / Content Security Policy blocking in browsers)
  • [Bug Fix] Remove several PHP notices

WP Mailster v1.8.2

  • [Improvement] Store log file now in wp-content/uploads/wp-mailster directory to avoid problems on plugin updates/upgrades/downgrades
  • [Bug Fix] mst_emails shortcode’s list ID (lid) filter works again
  • [Bug Fix] Goodbye/welcome messages were not sent in some situations where admin changed list memberships
  • [Bug Fix] Support special characters in passwords (slash, “/”, was missing)

WP Mailster v1.8.1

  • [Improvement] Update minimal system requirements to WP 5.3 (from 4.3) and PHP 5.6 (from 5.5)
  • [Bug Fix] Storing of attachments with long MIME subtypes (e.g. MS Office formats like docx format with: VND.OPENXMLFORMATS-OFFICEDOCUMENT.WORDPROCESSINGML.DOCUMENT) is supported and will not crash mail retrieving
  • [Bug Fix] Fix issues managing users with apostrophes in their names (like O’Neil)
  • [Bug Fix] Fix issues recording send events for users with apostrophes in their names
  • [Bug Fix] Omit PHP warnings like “DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Tag o:p invalid in Entity”
  • [Bug Fix] Fix the issue with timestamps not taking WP timezone settings into account
  • [Bug Fix] A “mail not forwarded” event not being sent out (due to random reasons) will not stop handling of mailing list emails (not cause an email loop)
  • [Bug Fix] Failure to open the log file will not crash the process

WP Mailster v1.8.0

  • [Feature] Introduce subscribe and unsubscribe shortcodes ([mst_subscribe] and [mst_unsubscribe])
    Checkout our documentation for more information.
  • [Improvement] UI optimization: full width for emails/lists/users/groups/servers/… table views
  • [Bug Fix] Fix for moderation mode: bounced/blocked/filtered emails will not produce a moderation request
  • [Bug Fix] Fix handling of certain binary attachments
  • [Bug Fix] Fix database issues (db maintenance) on WP multisite installations

WP Mailster v1.7.1

  • [Improvement] CSV export also puts out the user description / notes
  • [Bug Fix] Increase plugin (lazy cronjob) stability to avoid edge cash crashes
  • [Bug Fix] Fix issue in CSV import
  • [Bug Fix] Show updated/created message when editing/saving/updating user
  • [Bug Fix] Show name of list being added in header

WP Mailster v1.7.0

  • [Feature] Introduce options to deal with email hosters with a DMARC policy “reject” setting
  • [Bug Fix] Hide irrelevant submenu entries more reliable
  • [Bug Fix] Better recognize requests for rest API
  • [Bug Fix] Avoid several PHP warnings and notices

WP Mailster v1.6.22

  • [Improvement] Society & Enterprise edition: attachments are included in moderation requests (moderators can review attachments). Setting on by default, can be deactivated in global settings.
  • [Improvement] Paid editions: show license status in Start Center
  • [Bug Fix] Fix mailbox connection (pulling in secure authentication when not setup)
  • [Bug Fix] Fix recipient hover display in mail archive’s send reports
  • [Bug Fix] Fix Javascript error on recipient management screen
  • [Bug Fix] German translation updated

WP Mailster v1.6.21

  • [Improvement] Turn off opportunistic STARTTLS for imap_open
  • [Improvement] Tested with WordPress v5.8
  • [Bug Fix] Fix for PHP Deprecated: Required parameter $value follows optional parameter $options
  • [Bug Fix] Fix text string / spelling mistakes

WP Mailster v1.6.19

  • [Bug Fix] Add protection against CSRF attacks (kudos to Emanuele Barbeno)
  • [Bug Fix] Do not add mail recipients to queue when already moderated (approved) message gets approved again
  • [Bug Fix] Emails can have multiple attachments with the same name (not overwriting each other)
  • [Bug Fix] PHP8 compatibility work: do not use curly braces for index access in arrays in string
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